Announcements for the Week of February 8th AD 2025
January ~ March 2025
8:15am @ St John's Lutheran
9:45am @ Christ Lutheran
11:15am @ Greenville Evangelical Lutheran
Committee / Council Meeting Schedule - February 2025
Salisbury Lutheran Parish Council -
Tuesday, February 18th @ 6pm at Christ Lutheran
Christ Lutheran Church - Congregational Meeting
Sunday, February 16th, 2025 following 9:45am worship
All voting members are invited and encouraged to attend this
congregational meeting to review estimates and approve a plan of
action in relation to the replacement of the heating boiler.
Parish Bible Study
Wednesdays - 6:00pm @ St John's Lutheran
Lutheranism 101 / Luther's Small Catechism
You're invited, and all are welcome, to gather as we explore
the depths of Lutheran theology through a study of Luther's Small Catechism,
the Augsburg Confessions, and other respective writings of the Church.
Council members and families with children are encouraged to participate.
January ~ March 2025
8:15am @ St John's Lutheran
9:45am @ Christ Lutheran
11:15am @ Greenville Evangelical Lutheran
Committee / Council Meeting Schedule - February 2025
Salisbury Lutheran Parish Council -
Tuesday, February 18th @ 6pm at Christ Lutheran
Christ Lutheran Church - Congregational Meeting
Sunday, February 16th, 2025 following 9:45am worship
All voting members are invited and encouraged to attend this
congregational meeting to review estimates and approve a plan of
action in relation to the replacement of the heating boiler.
Parish Bible Study
Wednesdays - 6:00pm @ St John's Lutheran
Lutheranism 101 / Luther's Small Catechism
You're invited, and all are welcome, to gather as we explore
the depths of Lutheran theology through a study of Luther's Small Catechism,
the Augsburg Confessions, and other respective writings of the Church.
Council members and families with children are encouraged to participate.
Parish Vespers / Evening Prayer at Christ Lutheran
Thursdays at 6:30pm
Prayer is a gift of grace that nurtures and nourishes our relationship
with God and toward living all of daily life in prayer by placing ourselves
in His presence while seeking His guidance and will.
The prayer office of Vespers / Evening Prayer is a time of repentance,
recollection, quiet waiting for the Lord, and meditation on Holy Scripture.
You're invited to share in this time weekly,
with your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Thursdays at 6:30pm
Prayer is a gift of grace that nurtures and nourishes our relationship
with God and toward living all of daily life in prayer by placing ourselves
in His presence while seeking His guidance and will.
The prayer office of Vespers / Evening Prayer is a time of repentance,
recollection, quiet waiting for the Lord, and meditation on Holy Scripture.
You're invited to share in this time weekly,
with your brothers and sisters in Christ.
St John's Lutheran Church
Casselman Valley Helpers Food Pantry Drive
The Adult Sunday School is receiving the following items to support our
neighbors through the ministry of the Casselman Valley Helpers Food Pantry:
Personal Hygiene / Paper Products / Cleaning Supplies
Items may be placed in the box in the Narthex of the church.
St John's Lutheran Church Spaghetti Dinner
The annual Spaghetti Dinner is scheduled for Saturday, March 1st, 2025.
To make a contribution, please use the sign up sheet located in the Narthex.
Proposed Parish Bus Trip to
Sight and Sound: Noah - June 7th, 2025
Are you interested in journeying together to the Sight and Sound theatre
in Lancaster, PA to see the production of Noah?
As the Parish determines the feasibility of this trip, we are inviting you
to express your interest by signing up.
*This does not equate to a commitment.*
Additional information will be forthcoming, so please sign up ASAP.
Casselman Valley Helpers Food Pantry Drive
The Adult Sunday School is receiving the following items to support our
neighbors through the ministry of the Casselman Valley Helpers Food Pantry:
Personal Hygiene / Paper Products / Cleaning Supplies
Items may be placed in the box in the Narthex of the church.
St John's Lutheran Church Spaghetti Dinner
The annual Spaghetti Dinner is scheduled for Saturday, March 1st, 2025.
To make a contribution, please use the sign up sheet located in the Narthex.
Proposed Parish Bus Trip to
Sight and Sound: Noah - June 7th, 2025
Are you interested in journeying together to the Sight and Sound theatre
in Lancaster, PA to see the production of Noah?
As the Parish determines the feasibility of this trip, we are inviting you
to express your interest by signing up.
*This does not equate to a commitment.*
Additional information will be forthcoming, so please sign up ASAP.
Backpack Food Program Volunteers - As the 2024/2025 academic year begins, you are invited
to volunteer with the ministry of the Backpack Food Program, which provides food during weekends
and holidays for students of the Salisbury-Elk Lick School District.
Volunteers help to pack and deliver the food to school from St John's Lutheran Church.
Please contact the Parish Office or Pastor Tyler to volunteer or for additional information.
to volunteer with the ministry of the Backpack Food Program, which provides food during weekends
and holidays for students of the Salisbury-Elk Lick School District.
Volunteers help to pack and deliver the food to school from St John's Lutheran Church.
Please contact the Parish Office or Pastor Tyler to volunteer or for additional information.
Keystone Family Alliance Ministry Partnership
This partnership of the Parish serves to support local foster and adoptive families through a variety of means.
Please contact the Parish Office or Pastor Tyler to volunteer and with any questions or concerns.
CURRENT NEED: Volunteers to provide (1) meal weekly for a Foster family
COMMUNITY NEEDS: A list of needs is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex / vestibule;
Please contact Pastor Tyler if you are able to fill a need.
Keystone Family Alliance “SEEN” Awareness & Fundraiser Event
Thursday, February 20th, 2025 – 6:00pm @ Bakersville Banquet Hall (Somerset, PA)
You’re invited to share in this FREE event to learn about the ministry of Keystone Family Alliance. A buffet dinner will be provided. Please contact the Parish Office or Pastor Tyler by February 10th, 2025 to register.
This partnership of the Parish serves to support local foster and adoptive families through a variety of means.
Please contact the Parish Office or Pastor Tyler to volunteer and with any questions or concerns.
CURRENT NEED: Volunteers to provide (1) meal weekly for a Foster family
COMMUNITY NEEDS: A list of needs is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex / vestibule;
Please contact Pastor Tyler if you are able to fill a need.
Keystone Family Alliance “SEEN” Awareness & Fundraiser Event
Thursday, February 20th, 2025 – 6:00pm @ Bakersville Banquet Hall (Somerset, PA)
You’re invited to share in this FREE event to learn about the ministry of Keystone Family Alliance. A buffet dinner will be provided. Please contact the Parish Office or Pastor Tyler by February 10th, 2025 to register.
Did you know? The Salisbury Lutheran Parish sends weekly bulletins to our brothers and sisters who are home-bound and/or unable to attend weekly Sunday worship. You're invited to support this ministry through a financial contribution to assist with the costs of postage and mailing supplies. Contributions may be placed in the offering plate using a separate envelope marked "Wkly Bulletin Support." Please contact the Parish Office with any questions or concerns.
Ministry Volunteers You are invited to consider serving Christ and our neighbors as a ministry volunteer. Please contact Pastor Tyler for information and to volunteer.
Opportunities exist to share in the Church’s ministry through:
In Baptism, Christ calls each of us into the Church - the Body of Christ - and community!
Parishioners of the Salisbury Lutheran Parish serve in many ways and you're invited to consider sharing your gifts of hospitality and leadership.
Please consider this an open invitation to serve as Christ calls you.
+ Greeters / Ushers (ministry of welcoming God’s people into the church and assisting during the liturgy with Holy Communion)
+ Acolyte / Communion Asst (ministry of worship leadership through the lighting of candles and assisting with the distribution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion)
+ Readers (ministry of worship leadership through the reading of Holy Scripture)
+ Altar Guild (ministry of caring for the altar, linens, and vessels of the church; preparing for, and cleaning up after, worship services)
+ Tech Asst (ministry of serving the Parish through technology inc. Parish website maintenance)
Opportunities exist to share in the Church’s ministry through:
- Backpack Food Program
- Casselman Valley Helpers Food Pantry
- Senior Food Box Program
In Baptism, Christ calls each of us into the Church - the Body of Christ - and community!
Parishioners of the Salisbury Lutheran Parish serve in many ways and you're invited to consider sharing your gifts of hospitality and leadership.
Please consider this an open invitation to serve as Christ calls you.
+ Greeters / Ushers (ministry of welcoming God’s people into the church and assisting during the liturgy with Holy Communion)
+ Acolyte / Communion Asst (ministry of worship leadership through the lighting of candles and assisting with the distribution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion)
+ Readers (ministry of worship leadership through the reading of Holy Scripture)
+ Altar Guild (ministry of caring for the altar, linens, and vessels of the church; preparing for, and cleaning up after, worship services)
+ Tech Asst (ministry of serving the Parish through technology inc. Parish website maintenance)
Community Announcements:
- The ELK CLOSET at Salisbury-Elk Lick School District serves students in need of personal hygiene and clothing items. Contributions may be dropped off at the Elementary or High School offices.
- SENIOR LUNCHEON at Oak Dale Church (9201 Mason Dixon Hwy, Salisbury PA 15558): 3rd Thursday of each month at 12 Noon.
- GARRETT COUNTY DEPT of SOCIAL SVCS: 3rd Tuesday of month (12pm ~ 2pm) @ Grantsville Library (102 Parkview Dr., Grantsville, MD 21536)
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